
  • Stack MERN
  • Typescript
  • Web3
  • Blockchain
  • Solidity

Some experiences

  • stock trading platform prototype
  • wallet multisig
  • api for interact with blockchains
  • extension for browsers to track nfts based in contract address
  • nft marketplace
  • staking
  • ERC-20, BEP-20, TRC-20, and more Tokens
  • custom smart contracs
  • verificable credentials using the standard W3
  • discord bot that tracks NFTs
  • multiple lottery ( more hard than a basic lottery ), in a chainlink hackthon
  • little service that tracks the security risk about some contracts blacklisted
  • to be honestly i create a lot of things in blockchain, and is normal i liked, right now i am building a social network oriented to blockchain for my future startup